24" X 24" Oil on Canvas Herring Cove Beach is on the eastern side of Campobello Island. The island belongs to New Brunswick, but its only land connection is to Lubec Maine by the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Bridge. Otherwise, you take the ferry from our side. My grandfather was a lighthouse maintenance man, and a couple of times I accompanied him to visit with lighthouse keepers he knew.One summer when I was fourteen, my grandfather, two uncles, and I went out, off Campobello, in a small, fifteen foot, outboard powered skiff. One of my uncleshappened to have a fish finder with him. The fish finder measured depth as well as picking up fish signatures. Friendly porpoises swam all around us. With legs and feet dangling over the bow and sides, the July sun beating down on us, we jigged for Mackerel over water that was five hundred feet deep. We made it back later in the day, slightly sunburned, but happy with our catch, and the meal we had afterwards at the campsite.
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